Publicationlist of Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics (QTAP) Research-1
Updated at October 6, 2018
In silico設計法に基づく標的絶対定量プロテオミクス技術を応用した研究成果で公表された論文リスト。(英語論文および著書は全て査読有)
I. Review, Perspective andBook Chapter
1.S. Ohtsuki, Y. Uchida, Y. Kubo and T. Terasaki, Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics-basedADME research as a new path to drug discovery and development: Methodology,Advantages, Strategy and Prospects. J. Pharm. Sci., 100 (9): 3547-3559(2011). Free Download
2.OhtsukiS, Hirayama M, Ito S, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M,Terasaki T., Quantitative targetedproteomics for understanding the blood-brain barrier: towards pharmacoproteomics. Expert RevProteomics. 11(3):303-313 (2014).
3.M. Tachikawa, Y. Uchida, S. Ohtsuki and T. Terasaki, Recent progress in blood-brain barrier and blood-CSF barrier transportresearch: Pharmaceutical relevance for drug delivery to the brain. “Drug Delivery to theBrain – Physiological Concepts, Methodologies and Approaches”, ed., by R. Thorne,L. de Lange, M. Hammarlund-Udenaes, springer, pp 23-62 (2014).
4.Y. Uchida, M. Tachikawa, S. Ohtsuki and T. Terasaki, Blood-brain barrier (BBB) pharmacoproteomics: a new research field opened up byquantitative targeted absolute proteomics (QTAP). “Drug Delivery to theBrain – Physiological Concepts, Methodologies and Approaches”, ed., by R. Thorne,L. de Lange, M. Hammarlund-Udenaes, springer, pp 63-100 (2014).
II. Method Development
5.J. Kamiie, S. Ohtsuki, R. Iwase, K. Ohmine, Y. Katsukura, K.Yanai, Y. Sekine, Y. Uchida, S. Ito, T. Terasaki, Quantitative atlas of membrane transporter proteins: Development andapplication of a highly sensitive simultaneous LC/MS/MS method combined withnovel in-silico peptide selection criteria.Pharm. Res., 25: 1469-1483(2008). (Selected for 2010 AAPS Meritorious Manuscript Award for theOutstanding Paper)
III. Protocol
6.Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., Obuchi W., Hoshi Y., Tomioka Y.,Ohtsuki S., Terasaki T., A Study Protocol for Quantitative TargetedAbsolute Proteomics (QTAP) by LC-MS/MS: Application for Inter-StrainDifferences in Protein Expression Levels of Transporters, Receptors, Claudin-5,and Marker Proteins at the Blood-Brain Barrier in ddY, FVB, and C57BL/6J mice. Fluids and Barriersof the CNS, 10: 21 (2013) Free Article (Open Access Journal)
IV. Validation
7.Sakamoto A., MatsumaruT., Ishiguro N., Schaefer O., OhtsukiS., Inoue T., Kawakami H., Terasaki T., Reliability and robustness ofsimultaneous absolute quantification of drug transporters, cytochrome P450enzymes and UDP-glucuronosyltranferases in human liver tissue by multiplexed MRM/SRM mode tandem massspectrometry with nano-liquid chromatography (Nano-LC-MS/MS). J. Pharm. Sci., 100 (9): 4037-4043(2011). Free Download
Ⅴ. Applications
< Basic Research >
1) Transporter Protein Quantification
8.Niessen J, Jedlitschky G, Grube M, Bien S, Schwertz H,Ohtsuki S, KawakamiH, Kamiie J, Oswald S, Starke K, Strobel U, Siegmund W, Rosskopf D, Greinacher A, Terasaki T, KroemerHK, Human platelets express organic anion-transporting peptide 2B1, an uptaketransporter for atorvastatin.Drug Metab. Dispos., 37(5):1129-1137 (2009).
9.Niessen J, Jedlitschky G, Grube M, KawakamiH, Kamiie J,Ohtsuki S, Schwertz H, Bien S, Starke K, Ritter C, Strobel U,Greinacher A, Terasaki T, KroemerHK., Expression of ABC-type transport proteins in human platelets. Pharmacogenet. Genomics, 20(6):396-400 (2010).
10.Ito K, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Aizawa S, KawakamiH, KatsukuraY, Kamiie J, Terasaki T., Quantitative membrane protein expression at theblood-brain barrier of adult and youngercynomolgus monkeys. J. Pharm. Sci., 100 (9): 3939-3950 (2011). Niessen J, Jedlitschky G, Grube M, KawakamiH, Kamiie J,Ohtsuki S, Schwertz H, Bien S, Starke K, Ritter C, Strobel U,Greinacher A, Terasaki T, KroemerHK., Expression of ABC-type transport proteins in human platelets. Pharmacogenet. Genomics, 20(6):396-400 (2010).
11.Nakamura K, Hirayama M, Ito S, Yoneyama T, Obuchi W,Terasaki T, Ohtsuki S, Large-scale multiplex absolute protein quantification ofdrug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters in human intestine, liver and kidneymicrosomes by SWATH-MS: comparison with MRM/SRM and HR-MRM/PRM, Proteomics,16(15- 6): 2106-2117 (2016). doi: 10.1002/pmic.201500433.
12.Sasaki K, Tachikawa M, Uchida Y, Hirano S, KadowakiF, Watanabe M, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, ATP-binding cassette transporter Asubfamily 8 is a sinusoidal efflux transporter for cholesterol and taurocholatein mouse and human liver, Mol Pharm., 15(2):343-355 (2018). doi:10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b00679.
2) Analysis of Membrane Protein Localization
13.Kubo Y., Ohtsuki S., Uchida Y. and Terasaki T.,Quantitative determination of luminal and abluminal membranedistributions of transporters in porcine brain capillaries by plasma membranefractionation and quantitative targeted proteomics. J Pharm Sci., 104(9): 3060-3068 (2015).DOI:10.1002/jps.24398(2015). Free Download
14.Uchida Y, Toyohara T, Ohtsuki S, Moriyama Y, Abe T andTerasaki T, Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics for 28 transporters in brush-border and basolateral membrane fractions of rat kidney, J Pharm Sci., 105: 1011-1016 (2016).Free Download
15.Miyauchi E, Tachikawa M, Decleves X, Uchida Y, Bouillot JL, Poitou C, Oppert JM, Mouly S, Bergmann JF, Terasaki T, Scherrmann JM, Lloret-Linares C. Quantitative atlas of cytochrome P450, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, and transporter proteins in jejunum of morbidly obese subjects. Mol Pharm. 13(8):2631-2640 (2016). doi:10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.6b00085
3) CYP Protein Quantification
16.Kawakami H, Ohtsuki S, Kamiie J, Suzuki T, Abe T, TerasakiT,Simultaneous absolute quantification of 11 cytochrome P450 isoforms in humanliver microsomes by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with in silicotargetpeptide selection. J. Pharm.Sci., 100: 341-352 (2011).
< Applied Research >
4) Characterization of Human Blood-Brain Barrier, Blood-CSFBarrier, Liver and Lung
17.Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Katsukura Y, Ikeda C,Suzuki T, KamiieJ, Terasaki T., Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics of humanblood-brain barrier transporters and receptors. J.Neurochem., 117(2): 333-345 (2011).
18.Shawahna R, Uchida Y, Decleves X, Ohtsuki S, Yousif S,Dauchy S, Jacob A, Chassoux F, Daumas C, Couraud PO,Terasaki T, Scherrmann JM.,Transcriptomic and quantitative proteomic analysis of transporters and drugmetabolizing enzymes in freshly isolated human brain microvessels. Mol. Pharm., 8(4): 1332-1341 (2011).
19.Hoshi Y, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M, Inoue T, Ohtsuki S andTerasaki T,Quantitative atlas of blood–brain barrier transporters, receptors, and tightjunction proteins in rats and common marmoset. J Pharm Sci., 102 (9): 3343-3355 (2013). Free Download
20Ohtsuki S, SchaeferO, Kawakami H, Inoue T, Liehner S, Sato A, Ishiguro N, Kishimoto W, Ludwig-Schwellinger E,Ebner T, and Terasaki T.,Simultaneous absolute protein quantification of transporters, Cytochrome P450sand UDP-glucuronosyltransferases as a novel approach for the characterizationof individual human liver: Comparison with mRNA levels and activities. Drug Metab. Dispos., 40(1):83-92 (2012).
21.Sakamoto A, Matsumaru T, Yamamura N, Uchida Y,Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S. and Terasaki T,Quantitative Expression of Human Drug Transporter Proteins in Lung Tissues:Analysis of Regional, Gender and Inter-individual differences by LiquidChromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J Pharm Sci., 102 (9): 3395-3406 (2013).Free Download
22.OhtsukiS, Ikeda C, Uchida Y, Sakamoto Y, Miller F, Glacial F, Decleves X, ScherrmannJM, Couraud PO, Kubo Y, Tachikawa M, Terasaki T., Quantitative targetedabsolute proteomic analysis of transporters, receptors and junction proteinsfor validation of human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3as a human blood-brain barrier model. Mol Pharm., 10(1): 289-296 (2013)
23.Hoshi Y., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M, Inoue T., OhtsukiS. and Terasaki T., Quantitative atlas of blood–brain barrier transporters,receptors, and tight junction proteins in rats and common marmoset. JPharm Sci., 102 (9): 3343-3355 (2013).
24.Kaneko Y., Tachikawa M., Akaogi R., Fujimoto K., Ishibashi M., Uchida Y., Couraud P.O., Ohtsuki S., Hosoya K., TerasakiT.,Contribution of pannexin 1 and connexin 43 hemichannelsto extracellular calcium-dependent transport dynamics inhuman blood–brain barrier endothelial cells. JPharmacolExpTher, 353(1):192-200 (2015).
25Sakamoto A., Matsumaru T., Yamamura N., Suzuki S., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., and Terasaki T., Drugtransporter protein quantification of immortalized human lung cell linesderived from tracheo-bronchial epithelial cells (Calu-3 and BEAS2-B),bronchiolar-alveolar cells (NCI-H292 and NCI-H441) and alveolar type II-likecells (A549) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Pharm Sci.,104(9): 3029-3038 (2015).Free Download
26.Uchida Y, Ito K, Ohtsuki S, Kubo Y, Suzuki T and TerasakiT, Majorinvolvement of Na+-dependent multivitamin transporter (SLC5A6/SMVT) in uptakeof biotin and pantothenic acid by human brain capillary endothelial cells. JNeurochem., 134(1): 97-112 (2015). doi:10.1111/jnc.13092
27.Uchida Y, Zhang Z, Tachikawa M and TerasakiT,Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics of Rat Blood-Cerebrospinal FluidBarrier Transporters: Comparison with a Human Specimen, J Neurochem., 134(6):1104-1115 (2015).
28.Waqas SM, Uchida Y, Hoshi Y,Tachikawa M, Terasaki T and Udenaes HM, Validation of a P-glycoprotein (P-gp)humanized mouse model by integrating selective absolute quantification of humanMDR1, mouse mdr1a and mdr1b protein expressions with in vivo functionalanalysis for blood-brain barrier transport, PLOS one, 10(5):e0118638(2015). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118638.
29.Sakamoto A, Suzuki S, Matsumaru T, YamamuraN, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M and Terasaki T,Correlation of OCTN1 and MRP1 transport activities with protein expressionlevels in primary cultured human tracheal, bronchial and alveolar epithelialcells, J Pharm Sci., 105: 876-883 (2016). doi: 10.1002/jps.24661 Free Download
30.Hoshi Y, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S andTerasaki T, Actin filament-associated protein 1 (AFAP-1) is a key mediator ininflammatory signaling-induced rapid attenuation of intrinsic P-gp function inhuman brain capillary endothelial cells, J Neurochem., 141(2):247-262 (2017). doi:10.1111/jnc.13960.
31.Zhang Z, Uchida Y, Hirano S, Ando D, Kubo Y, Auriola S, Akanuma S, Hosoya K, Urtti A, Terasaki T, Tachikawa M, Inner blood-retinal barrier dominantly expresses breast cancer resistance protein: Comparative quantitative targeted absolute proteomics (QTAP) study of CNS barriers in pig, Mol Pharm. 14(11):3729-3738 (2017). doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b00493
32.Uchida Y, Sumiya T, Tachikawa M, Yamakawa T, Murata S, Yagi Y, Sato K, Ito K, Ohtsuki S, Couraud PO, Suzuki T, Terasaki T, Involvement of claudin-11 in disruption of blood-brain, -spinal cord and -arachnoid barriers in multiple sclerosis, Mol. Neurobiol., 2018 Jul 8. doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1207-5